VETO: A riddle

For the last several days, trains in Israel have been showing gibberish instead of station names:

(That’s YWLEO and :PINIPD)

So what station names are encoded here, and how does the encoding work in general? Hints: the encoded words are in Hebrew. There is a slight irregularity in the code.

4 Responses to “VETO: A riddle”

  1. Guy Says:

    Cool 🙂 but I didn’t decoded it. What is it then?

  2. Lev Says:

    I didn’t post the answer because nobody seemed interested.

    To solve you would have to look at a list of the station names (but I knew the destination of the train).

    : PINIPD is בנימינה. The correspondence is simple:
    D = ה
    E = ו

    Z = ת
    In the pre-Unicode Hebrew encoding the difference is exactly 64. In that encoding (and in Unicode) the final letters come before the ordinary ones: יךכלםמ…
    For some reason the rule broke before ה, which is why : stands for ב. YWLEO really begins with a space, which stands for א.

    Several days later they fixed the bug.

  3. Guy Says:

    You are something 🙂
    I notieced that the letter ‘A’ has no meaning in the code. Am I correct?
    א – space
    ב – :
    ג – B
    ד – C
    ה – D
    ו – E

  4. Lev Says:

    Yes, and they also used for גד

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